AiMoneyGuide: 4 AI Short Stories #003- Topic: Trump's Tax Return

AiMoneyGuide: 4 AI Short Stories #003- Topic: Trump's Tax Return
AiMoneyGuide inquired an AI Chat Bot, Trump's tax returns.  These stories are generative AI content with  AI bots and  AI art. The tone and style chosen was "Funny" and "Comedy" AiMoneyGuide commands the AI bot into the right direction with creative prompts. As you can tell the AI chatbot is repetitive and still learning how to deal with certain prompts. Each Short story in theory, should get better.

Funny Short Story #1

Donald Trump had been dreading this day for months. It was the day when his tax returns were finally going to be released to the public. He had been trying to avoid this day for years, but the day had finally come.

The day of the release, Trump was nervous. He had no idea what to expect. He had heard rumors about his tax returns, but he had no idea how bad the results were going to be.

When the results were released, Trump was shocked. His tax returns showed that he had only paid a few hundred dollars in taxes. He couldn't believe it. He had been expecting to pay millions of dollars, but instead he had only paid a few hundred.

Trump was so shocked he didn't know what to do. He wanted to laugh, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He wanted to cry, but he just couldn't find the tears. He just sat there, stunned, and feeling a little foolish.

But then something funny happened. As Trump was trying to make sense of the results, he noticed that the tax return was accompanied by a picture of a chicken. It was a cartoon chicken with a big smile on its face.

Trump started to laugh. He couldn't help it. Here he was, the most powerful man in the world, and his tax return was accompanied by a cartoon chicken! He couldn't believe it.

Trump laughed and laughed and laughed. He laughed until his sides hurt. He laughed until he was out of breath. Then he laughed some more.

And from then on, whenever someone asked Trump about his tax return, he would just smile and say, "It looks like a chicken!"

And the story of Trump's tax return, and the chicken, was born.

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Funny Short Story #2

Donald Trump was in a state of shock when he discovered the results of his latest tax return. He had been expecting a large refund, but instead he was told he owed the government a whopping $400 million! He couldn't believe it and wanted to know how this could have happened.

He quickly called his accountant, who explained that the taxes were due to several of the investments Trump had made during the year. His accountant went on to explain that Trump had taken out some huge loans and invested the money in high-risk ventures. Most of them had failed, resulting in substantial losses that resulted in the large tax bill.

Trump was furious and demanded to know why his accountant hadn't warned him about the risks involved. But his accountant simply replied, "I warned you Mr. Trump, but you said you wanted to 'make America great again', so I assumed you knew what you were doing."

Trump was so angry he wanted to fire his accountant, but his accountant said that wouldn't be a good idea, since it was Trump who had made the investments in the first place.

So, instead of firing his accountant, Trump decided to come up with a plan to pay off the huge tax bill. He called a press conference and announced that he would be launching a new reality TV show called "The Tax Return Challenge". The show would involve contestants competing to come up with the best plan to pay off Trump's tax bill.

The show was an instant hit and the contestants managed to come up with some amazing ideas that helped Trump pay off his debt. In the end, Trump was able to pay off his entire tax bill and he was even able to make a profit from the show!

Trump was relieved to have his tax return back in the black and he thanked his accountant for his help. The whole experience had taught Trump an important lesson about the risks of investing and he vowed never to make the same mistake again.

Funny Fake News Report #1

The world was in shock today when Donald Trump's tax return results were finally released. Everyone had been eagerly awaiting the news, but no one was quite prepared for the bombshell that was dropped.

According to the results, Trump had paid absolutely nothing in taxes for the past 5 years. Not a single penny! This was a huge surprise to everyone, but especially to his loyal supporters, who had been expecting him to pay taxes like everyone else.

But it wasn't just the lack of taxes that shocked the public. It turns out that not only had Trump not paid any taxes, but he had also managed to claim deductions on items that had nothing to do with his taxes. For example, he had claimed deductions on a yacht, a private jet, and even a vanity mirror.

This news caused quite a stir in the media, with people taking to social media to express their shock and disbelief. Many people were calling it "Trump's Tax Loophole" and some even started a hashtag called #NoTaxesForTrump.

Of course, Trump had to respond to the news. He released a statement saying that he had done "nothing wrong" and that he had just taken advantage of the tax laws. He also added that the deductions were "legitimate business expenses" and that he had "paid his fair share."

Regardless of what Trump said, the public was not convinced. After all, Trump had managed to pay nothing in taxes for 5 years and had claimed deductions on items that had nothing to do with his taxes. It seemed impossible that this was all completely legal.

So it looks like Donald Trump's tax return results will be the talk of the town for some time to come. After all, it's not every day that someone manages to get away with not paying taxes for 5 years and still have the audacity to claim deductions on items like yachts and vanity mirrors.

Funny Fake News Report #2

The world was shocked when the tax returns of President Donald Trump were finally released. After much speculation and anticipation, the documents revealed a startling truth – Trump had actually paid $750 in federal income taxes in both 2016 and 2017.

While many expected the returns to show a much higher amount of taxes paid, it appears that Trump has managed to game the system and avoid paying exorbitant amounts of taxes.

The news of Trump's tax returns has sparked a hilarious wave of fake news stories. For example, one fake news story claims that Trump was able to pay only $750 in taxes by using a loophole that allowed him to deduct the cost of his toupee from his taxes.

Other fake news stories have gone so far as to suggest that Trump's tax returns are proof that he is actually a billionaire and not a millionaire. After all, billionaires typically don't pay taxes – they just donate to charities and use loopholes to avoid them.

Regardless of what one thinks of Trump's tax returns, there's no denying that they have generated a lot of laughs and controversy. The biggest questions remains – how did Trump manage to pay only $750 in taxes? Only time will tell, but until then, the jokes and speculation will continue.

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