AiMoneyGuide: 3 AI Short Stories #002- Where is Kanye?

AimoneyGuide | AI bot short stories #002-1 | Generative AI | Is Kanye Missing?
AiMoneyGuide asked an AI bot, Where is Kanye? Is Kanye missing?  These stories are AI generated content with the help of a AI chatbot and  AI generated art. AiMoneyGuide commands the AI bot into the right direction with creative prompts. As you can tell the AI chatbot is repetitive and still learning how to deal with certain prompts. Each Short story in theory, should get better.

Short Story Version #1

It was a typical day in the city, the sun was shining, people were going about their business, and then the unthinkable happened: Kanye West disappeared! Word spread quickly, and soon the entire city was searching for the missing celebrity. Everyone had their own idea of where he might be, with some thinking he had gone on a spontaneous vacation, while others were convinced that he had been kidnapped by aliens.

A small group of Kanye West's most dedicated fans decided to take matters into their own hands and set off on a mission to find their idol. The group consisted of two brave adventurers, a detective, and a robot sidekick.

The first stop on their search was the local mall. The detective had heard rumors that Kanye was spotted here, so the group decided to investigate. After searching the entire mall, they were unable to find any trace of the missing superstar.

Next, the group decided to check out the local amusement park. It seemed like the perfect place for Kanye to hide, as there were plenty of places for him to blend in and remain unnoticed. After searching every inch of the park, they still came up empty-handed.

The group was beginning to feel discouraged, but then their robot sidekick had an idea. He suggested that they try the nearby mountain, as he had heard that Kanye was an avid hiker. The group agreed and set off for the mountain.

After a long and tiring hike, the group finally reached the peak of the mountain. To their surprise, they found Kanye lounging on top of a boulder, soaking up the sun. After being reunited with their idol, the group quickly discovered why Kanye had gone missing: he had been on a spiritual journey to find himself!

The group smiled as they watched Kanye bask in the sun, happy that they had solved the mystery of the missing superstar. Who could have guessed that the answer to their search would be found at the top of a mountain?

Short Story Version #2

Adidas Yeezy Foam Runners “OYNX”
Photo by Piyush Haswani / Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a group of adventurers on a quest to find the enigmatic rapper, Kanye West. They had heard rumors that he had gone missing, and they wanted to track him down and bring him back safe and sound.

The adventurers set out on their journey, travelling to all the places Kanye had been known to frequent. They searched high and low, from the beaches of Miami to the clubs of Los Angeles. But no matter how hard they looked, they couldn't find a trace of Kanye West.

Undeterred, the adventurers decided to take their search to the next level. They heard rumors that Kanye was hiding out in the wilds of Canada, and so they decided to brave the icy Canadian wilderness in search of their quarry.

The adventurers trudged through the snow, battling blizzards and bears alike. Finally, after days of searching, they stumbled across a cabin in the woods. Peering through the window, they saw a man wearing a bright red hoodie and a pair of Yeezys. It was none other than Kanye West!

The adventurers rushed in and confronted Kanye, who was so surprised he almost dropped his iPhone. After a brief chat, they finally convinced him to come back with them.

And so, the adventurers returned home, victorious. They had found the missing Kanye West, and they were all the richer for it.

The next day, Kanye was back doing what he does best - making great music, and inspiring the world with his unique outlook on life.

The adventurers may never know what drove Kanye to go missing in the first place, but they were happy to have found him and bring him back to the world.

Short Story Version #3

Kanye West had gone missing and the world was in a frenzy trying to find him. He had been last seen walking out of a recording studio, when suddenly he just disappeared.

The police were called and a missing person's report was put out. Search parties were formed and the media was abuzz with speculation as to his whereabouts.

Theories ranged from the mundane to the outrageous. Some thought that he had gone on a journey of self-discovery, while others speculated that he had been abducted by aliens.

Then one day, a call came in. A farmer, who lived out in the middle of nowhere, had spotted a disheveled figure wandering around his farm. The police rushed out to investigate and when they arrived they found Kanye West, looking a little worse for wear.

When they asked him what had happened, he said he had been trying to find himself and had gotten a little lost in the process. He had been walking for days, trying to find his way back home, when he stumbled across the farmer's farm.

The farmer had taken him in and given him a place to rest. After a few days of rest and relaxation, Kanye was ready to go back home.

So, there you have it. Kanye West was not missing, he had just been searching for himself. He had gone a little too far and gotten a bit lost, but luckily he was found safe and sound.

The world breathed a collective sigh of relief and Kanye went back to making music and being the star that he is.

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AiMoneyGuide: AI Short Stories #001
The stories are AI generated content with the help of a AI chatbot and AI generated art. AiMoneyGuide commands the AI bot into the right direction with creative prompts. As you can tell the AI chatbot is repetitive and still learning how to deal with certain prompts. Each Short story